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Clarification Text within the Scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data
The clarification text, the details of which you can read below, is in the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) art. It is regulated within the scope of responsibility arising from 10. We announce this information text and necessary explanations to the relevant parties. Our company always reserves the right to make necessary updates in this clarification text within the framework of the law.
Our company, as the data controller, attaches importance to the personal data of you, the privacy and security of your private life, respects it and wishes to fulfill its responsibilities in accordance with the KVKK. For this reason, our company, as a data controller, explains the purposes of processing your personal data, the method of data collection and legal reasons and KVKK art. It will explain what your rights are listed in 11.
We send this information to all of our customers, company employees, past employees whose employment contract has been terminated, our guests who come to visit our workplace, our suppliers, people who visit our website, users connecting to the guest network in our company, our customers in the company database, fairs, etc. Limited to third parties in marketing areas such as; our consumers who fill out customer forms on our website, employee candidates who are sent as references or physically filled in application forms from career portals to apply for a job, all our business partners and their employees within the scope of our commercial activities, and all these. We are publishing this text addressing real persons who have shared or will share their personal data with us, face to face, at a distance, verbally, in writing or electronically.
1.   For what purpose and legal grounds do we process your Personal Data?
First of all, we would like to point out that; Your personal data may be processed by the COMPANY in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, in line with your express consent. 5/2 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. We would also like to remind you that in cases falling within the scope of the cases listed in the article, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the people. Personal data collected by us are generally identity, communication, personal, legal action, customer transaction, physical space security risk management, finance, professional experience, marketing, visual and audio records, health records for our personnel, criminal convictions and security measures, and biometric data.
Execution of emergency management processes in general terms of identity, communication, personal data, legal action, customer transaction, physical space security, risk management, finance, professional experience, marketing, audiovisual records, employee candidate / intern / student selection and placement execution of employee candidates' application processes, fulfillment of obligations arising from employment contracts and legislation for the employee, execution of employee satisfaction and loyalty processes, execution of fringe benefits and benefits processes for employees, execution of audit / ethical processes, executing training activities, executing access authorizations, executing activities in accordance with the legislation, executing financial and accounting works, executing commitment processes to companies / products / services, ensuring physical space security, executing assignment processes, monitoring and executing legal affairs, conducting internal audit / investigation / intelligence activities, conducting communication activities, human resources planning processes, conducting / auditing business activities, conducting occupational health / safety activities, receiving and evaluating suggestions for improvement of business processes, conducting business continuity activities, conducting logistics activities, conducting goods / services purchasing processes, goods / services after-sales support services. execution of goods / services sales processes, goods / services production and operation processes, customer relationship management processes, customer satisfaction activities, organization and event management, marketing analysis studies, performance evaluation processes, advertising / campaign / promotion execution of risk management processes, execution of storage and archive activities, execution of social responsibility and non-governmental activities, execution of contract processes, execution of sponsorship activities, execution of strategic planning activities, follow-up of requests / complaints, ensuring the security of movable goods and resources, supply chain management processes, wage policy, marketing processes of products / services, ensuring the security of data controller operations, conducting investment processes, managing talent / career development activities.It is collected for the purposes of conducting business activities, informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations, and carrying out management activities.
Special health, punishment and conviction and biometric data; We only have data for our personnel, fulfilling the obligations arising from the employment contract and legislation for the employee, executing the activities in accordance with the legislation, planning the human resources processes, carrying out the occupational health and safety activities, conducting the selection and placement processes of employee candidates, interns, students, conducting the application processes of employee candidates, employees It is collected for the purposes of conducting fringe benefits and benefits processes, conducting internal audit, investigation, intelligence activities, planning human resources processes, and auditing the execution of business activities.
As the data subject group in our company; Data of employees, employee candidates, news subject, shareholders/partners, potential service or product buyers, intern, supplier employee, supplier official, product or service buyer, potential product or service buyer, parent/guardian/representative and visitors are kept. Identity, communication, physical space security and audiovisual recording data of employees, employee candidates, news subject, shareholder/partner, potential service or product buyers, trainee, supplier employee, supplier official, product or service buyer, potential product or service data of the recipient, parents/guardians/representatives and visitors. Personnel, biometric data and health information include only employee and intern data. Criminal conviction and security measures belong to the employee, employee candidate and intern. The legal action is the data of the employees, trainee, shareholder, supplier employee, officer, product or service buyer. Customer transaction data is only the data of the person who buys the product or service. Data on risk management includes the data of potential service or product buyers, supplier employee, supplier official, product or service buyer. Marketing data is the data of the potential service or product buyer and the product or service buyer. The data kept as professional experience are the data of the employee, supplier employee and authorized person. As financial data, it is the data of employees, potential product or service buyer, shareholder / partner, supplier employee, supplier official, product or service buyer and guardian / parent / representative.
2. We would like to explain to whom and for what purpose your Personal Data will be transferred.
First of all, your personal data is safe with our Company. We do not share this data with third parties without your explicit consent.
However, we have an obligation to share it with third parties and institutions in accordance with the law and legislation. We take the necessary technical, administrative and legal measures to prevent any violation of your rights, even in these posts that we are obliged to do as per the law. We attach importance to confidentiality even during this transfer.
Again, your personal data you provide to our company, for the above-mentioned purposes, with our business partners, service provider, supplier, group company, company official and company shareholders, authorized public institutions and organizations and private law persons, KVKK art. It is transferred by complying with the conditions in 8 and 9.
In addition, for the above-mentioned purposes; In case of explicit consent of the data owner or in the absence of explicit consent of the data owner, but one or more of the other conditions mentioned above are met; If there is sufficient protection in the country where the data is transferred and there is not enough protection in the country where the data is transferred, it can be transferred by complying with all legal processes, provided that the relevant company undertakes in writing with the data controller in the relevant foreign country and the permission of the Personal Data Protection Board is obtained.
However, personal, physical space security, transaction security, risk management, professional experience, marketing, health information, criminal and conviction information and biometric data are not transferred abroad.
3. We would like to inform you about the method by which your personal data is collected and on what legal grounds.
Your personal data can be used for the purposes listed above, Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, Commercial Code No. 6102, Various Tax Legislation, Social Security Legislation, Environmental Law, Labor Law No. 4857, Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, Law No. 6331, Customs Law No. 4458 and We process in accordance with the regulations and communiqués issued pursuant to these Laws and in accordance with all other legal regulations or based on your express consent.
Processing of personal data; This data is obtained, collected, recorded, stored, preserved by fully or partially automated or non-automatic means provided that it is a part of any data recording system.It means all kinds of operations performed on data such as adding, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making it available, classifying or preventing its use.
In our company, personal data for the above-mentioned purposes, but not limited to the following; It can be obtained and collected verbally, in writing or electronically, through the Company's workplaces, departments, website, social media channels, cameras and other similar means, fully or partially automatic or non-automatically provided that it is a part of any data recording system. For example,
a. Through security camera recordings in our workplace,
b. With the visual and audio broadcasts we have made at the fairs we attend for marketing
c. By recording our company's phones during calls, sending e-mails to our company or our company employees' company e-mail addresses, faxing
D. Personal data regarding job applications are collected through career portals, e-mail, İŞKUR, reference media and physically filling out the application form.
to. By providing the parties with the information necessary for the performance of contracts arising from commercial life,
f. It is collected through verbal, written or electronic channels through various contracts, orders, all kinds of information forms, surveys, job application forms, call centers.
From these collected data, identity, communication, personnel, professional experience, customer transaction, finance, marketing, data for 10 years; physical space security and audio-visual records are kept for 1 year and health data for 15 years. Risk management, criminal conviction and security measures and biometric data are deleted immediately at the end of the contract.
The collected data is protected by appropriate security measures. Network security and application security are provided. A closed system network is used for personal data transfers via the network. Key management is implemented. Security measures are taken within the scope of procurement, development and maintenance of information technology systems. Training and awareness activities are carried out periodically for employees on data security. The authorizations of employees who have a change in duty or quit their job in this field are removed. Current anti-virus systems are used. Firewalls are used. Personal data security issues are reported quickly. Necessary security measures are taken regarding entry and exit to physical environments containing personal data. Personal data is reduced as much as possible. User account management and authorization control system are implemented and these are also followed.
4. We would like to explain the Rights of Data Owners enumerated in the Law.
You, the interested parties, apply to our company,
 You have the right to learn whether your personal data is processed, the purpose of processing and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose, as well as learn the third parties whose data is transferred in the country or abroad; You can request information about the processed data.
  If the existence of wrong or incomplete processing is detected; You can also request that these be corrected and that the transaction made within this scope be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred.
  In addition, your personal data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized upon your request without the need to provide any justification.
 Even though it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant laws, requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data in the event that the reasons requiring it to be processed disappear and that the transaction made within this scope be notified to the third parties to which your personal data has been transferred, is against the person himself by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems. You also have the right to object to the occurrence of a result.
However; We would also like to remind you that your personal data, which we have to keep due to our legal responsibility due to legal obligation, cannot be deleted, destroyed or anonymized.
Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the KVKK, you may submit your request regarding the exercise of your above-mentioned rights to our Company in writing or by other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. Our company will finalize your application free of charge within 30 days at the latest (However, if the process requires a separate cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Board may be charged) and will provide a response via the contact information you have provided to us.
You can reach us using one of the communication channels listed below. After your application, we ask you to send an e-mail or your full address to which we can respond in writing.
Data Controller:
Company: Abalıoğlu Fish and Food Products Inc.
Address: Kocabaş

mh. Ankara Boulevard No:8 Honaz – Denizli
Mail: kvkk@ablfoods.com.tr
Cap: abalioglubalikgida@hs01.kep.tr